Wooden Boat Restoration
McCall Boat Works Specialize in Antique Wood Boats full restoration. Since 2002 and a high quality crew, we are committed to provide excellent service and performance to our customers. Whether you are looking for a Boat Show Standards or your weekend float gateway, we can provide all that you need. Having many hard to find boat parts on hand, we are able to supply prompted service to our customers. Are you looking for a specific model of a boat? Check out our Project Boats inventory. Contact us for more details and we’ll be happy to help.
Fin & Tonic – 1961 Chris Craft Continental 21′ Hardtop
I found this 1961 Chris Craft Continental 21′ Hardtop in a warehouse on a Olive plantation. Stored since 1972. A employee of the owner filled the boat to the top for 2 weeks with water and forgot about it. The owner took the boat apart, dissembled the motor, removed the interior, and put into a container.
It sat from 1972 to 2013 when i was told of the boat. I purchased it on the spot without seeing it . MBW completely disassembled the boat, installing a 3M5200 bottom, saved all the original top side and deck planking. Re installed with new fasteners, The original interior was detailed and installed, the 430 Lincoln motor was rebuilt and installed. Please go to our Awards page for the rest of the story.. Enjoy! We did. Check out what Awards this beautiful boat has won already here »
Justice 1946 CC Custom 20′ Hull # R-20-032
This Boat was found in Hagerman, Idaho alongside a barn. It had been sitting there for over 40 years with a small hole next to the water line.
In 2006, Ben and Julie Wolf commissioned McCall Boat Works to restore the Custom 20 in remembrance of Julie’s father who was a circuit judge, thus Justice. Their goal was to take Justice to Lake Tahoe show.
In 2012, Justice placed 1st place at the Lake Tahoe show.
Unfinished Business – 1949 Chris Craft Special Runabout
Lloyd Kirchner, originally form Huston TX, was referred to McCall Boat Works back in 2008 while attending a seminar in Boston, Massachusetts. Later that year, McCall Boat Works received the boat with full intention of restoration. In a matter of weeks, the economy crashed, closing Lloyd’s businesses and forcing him to keep the boat in storage and putting a hold on the restoration project.
Over the course of the next 4 years, Lloyd was diagnosed with cancer and has managed to beat his battle and get a new start in life. He contacted Don in 2011 and the Unfinished Business, now under her new name, moved out of storage and in to the shop. By 2013, Unfinished Business has placed 1st place in both Best of Show and Best Chris Craft at the 2013 18th Annual Keels & Wheels Concourse d’ Elegance at Lakewood Yacht Club, Seabrook, Texas.
Spindrift – 1954 Chris Craft 19′ Racing Runabout Hull #503
Kenny B – 1956 Chris Craft 26′ Continental
This boat came from Grand Lake, Colorado in need for a complete restoration.
In 2010, Kenny and Suzy Bolton commissioned MBW for a total restoration. The boat was complete in 2012, and since then the Kenny B has won numerous awards at the Payette Lake Boat Show held every year at the Shore Lodge in McCall Idaho.
The boat is used for family outings and fundraisers held on the Payette Lake in McCall, Idaho.
Everan Zephyr – 1940 19′ Chris Craft Custom Runabout
This boat has moved around back in its early days. From Genesco NY, to San Diego CA in 1985, she made her way up to McCall Idaho in 2011. That is when Gary and Cathy Lyons from Boise ID contacted Don and his crew at McCall Boat Works to completely restore the Everan Zephyr.
In 2014, The Everan Zephyr placed well at the 42nd Annual Lake Tahoe Concourse d’Elegance.
It won 1st place in Class, Best Overall Show, And by doing so, helping McCall Boat Works achieve the Best Professional Restorer Award for 2014.
Twin Finn – 1958 Chris Craft 21′ Continental
This boat came to us from Catskill Mountains in New York.
Jim and Cindy Atkinson from California, commissioned McCall Boat Works for a total restoration in 2009. This beauty has won numerous awards all over the west including the “Concourse d’Elegance” in Tahoe.